Beautiful and Bountiful BC... Let’s Support Local!

We truly live in an amazing part of the world which is more than enough reason to celebrate this BC Day. Bounties of our nature are symbolized throughout this spectacular province from the Steller’s Jay to the Pacific Dogwood to our provincial Jade and Western Red Cedars. 

We are not as young as some would believe, in fact, British Columbia has been inhabited for more than 10,000 years. When European explorers and settlers first came to B.C. in the mid-18th century, the province was home to thousands of Indigenous people. The first explorers to British Columbia were the Spanish, with navigator Juan José Hernández undertaking exploration of the Pacific coast in 1774 only to be followed shortly on the heels by the great English captain, James Cook in 1778.

In 1858, the British Empire established the colony of British Columbia as a response to the enormous gold deposits found in the Fraser Canyon. This gold fever led to an influx of over 30,000 American miners acting as militia settling to make war on the Fraser Canyon’s Indigenous people. According to the Canadian Encyclopedia “without the act of 1858, it is very possible there would have been no British Columbia today, but rather an American state”. British Columbia then joined Canada in 1871. One hundred years later, the first Monday of August was deemed British Columbia Day in 1974 to recognize these pioneers of our province.

Our loyalty to our province shows with British Columbians purchasing more wine from BC that any other region or country. With 280 wineries now located in our province that help contribute 2.8 billion to our province’s economy, why go elsewhere?

A big shout out is also needed for our local craft distilleries, many of whom switched over during the height of COVID in March to distilling sanitizer for our front lines. A noble and selfless pursuit that has left an unfortunate financial impact on this industry. 

This August at JAK’s please join us in a concentrated effort to support our local BC industries and this glorious diverse province we are most fortunate to live in!



Synchromesh Riesling Blend - $23.99

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Brilliant blend of Riesling grapes from four Okanagan vineyards. Tart and juicy eluding to green granny smith balanced with a touch of honey sweet. This lower alcohol wine compliments any hot sunny day and is delicious on its own.

Rebel Vodka – Reg: $38.99… on sale for $32.98
Unique vodka produced from the finest locally grown Okanagan apples. This vodka has been distilled 25 times in an artisan copper pot still, one batch at a time. Forbidden Spirits has created this fresh creamy smooth vodka that shows off just a hint of underlying fruitiness.


Sheringham Seaside Gin – Reg: $49.99… on sale for $32.98
From the rugged coast of Vancouver Island just north of Sooke comes this complex gin with a hint of the salty sea air. They use hand-harvested local winged kelp as one of the main botanicals. Citrus, floral and notes of the sea make this gin as refreshing as a seaside stroll. Congratulations to a gold for the World Gin Awards in 2019!